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Laboratory Cluster

Five organizations - Centria University of Applied Sciences, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Geological Survey of Finland and The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia - use the Kokkola Campus Center laboratories together.

Kokkolan Campus Center has among other things learning laboratories, battery materials laboratory and chemical test plant "Chemplant". Campus Center has also Keski-Pohjanmaan LUMA-keskus, which offers stem education for school children.

Read more about Chemplant.

Battery materials laboratory - research and testing facilities

Battery laboratory offers companies a unique environment for the demanding research and development of battery materials.

Laboratory enables the companies to use modern facilities, from the preparation of lithium ion battery materials to elec-trochemical testing of battery cells. In the battery laboratory environment, companies have strong know-how, theoretical expertise and practical support by the experts of universities.